Backcountry Safety Camp
What is it?
A camp focused on avalanche education for kids, with a freeride focus. Kids achieve their ASC1 certificate, learn specific freeride safety skills from experienced mountain guides, and put them into practice alongside our professional Gritt coaches. The idea comes from a growing need to equip the next generation of freeriders with the knowledge and decision-making skills to safely ride bigger terrain.
Why is the camp different to other courses?
We want to help kids be safer in the mountains, and minimise the cost of acquiring those skills. Kids will get to ski with athletes and guides they look up to, learn more specific freeride safety info, hear personal stories from guides and coaches on their approach to riding in the mountains, and learn more through skiing than in a standard course.

Gritt x POC Backcountry Safety Camp 2024
3 day avalanche safety course for freeride kids
​Key info
Date: July 20th to 22nd, 2024
Duration: 3 days, 2 nights
Location: Craigieburn Ski Area and surrounding backcountry (backup location Mt Hutt)
Attendees: 8 kids
Guides: 2 guides from Alpine Guides
Athletes/coaches: Kenji Boekholt and Jess Hotter
Accommodation: Craigieburn Valley Ski Club
Price: $250 each, including accommodation and food
Day 1: ASC 1 content on snow with Alpine Guides
Night 1: Intro to advanced freeride and avalanche safety
Day 2: ASC 1 content on snow with Alpine Guides
Night 2: Backcountry freeride skills led by Gritt coaches
Day 3: Backcountry freeride day on snow let by coaches and supported by guides
How to attend
Due to high demand we don’t think first in first served is the fairest way for kids to attend this camp, so to register your interest to attend please send us a simple application. Selection will be made by Gritt founders, POC staff and Alpine Guides. Please email your answers in a Word document to pascoe.nick.j@gmail.com. This should all be able to fit on one page at a size 11 font. Clear and simple answers are recommended, no need to write us a novel. We're looking forward to reading your applications!
Applications should cover:
Name, age and location
What do you enjoy most about skiing/snowboarding?
Tell us your plans/goals for your backcountry skiing/riding in the next two years. (NZ, Overseas?, Filming, Touring with friends, Alpine climbing?)
Have you been ski touring before?
What is your experience? Tell us about your current backcountry experience (including side country, ie Little Alaska at Olympus, Avalanche at Broken River, Temple Basin in general)?
What is a challenge you've overcome or problem you've solved while in the mountains (this can be anything, building, hiking, skiing, filming, camping etc)
Does your family have any financial hardships?
Why do you want to attend?
In the email to Nick, please attach one photo or video of you shredding!